
Release 2024-06-17

Skriven av EL-VIS | Jun 17, 2024 6:00:00 AM

🆕 A better create document view where it will be easier to find template to create document from. It will also be more clear for the user of the ability to create a document from previous document, every document ever created is in fact a template. Favourite templates will be default view creating document.


🆕 A new view to manage document templates. You find it in the top right menu on Template dashboard page.


🆕 A “total measurement protocol” that will simplify for the majority of our customers in the way they can fill in the measuring data in one protocol instead of jumping between several and fill in the same data over and over again.


🆕 Change ownership for cable calculations will now be available. Entering a cable calculation you don’t own and you will find the action to change owner to yourself in the grey “read only” banner. This action will not be visible if the company under company settings has turn this action of, not allowing users to take ownership of other users calculations. Owners of a calculation and Admins can always change ownership to another user. For the owner of the calculation the action is found in the Information panel and the tab General. Confirmation mail will be sent to previous and new owner, always.


🆕 Updated dashboard for EL-VIS Template with focus on favourites (Online templates) and a clear navigation to the classical templates (Word and Excel). Classical templates will only be visible for customers in Sweden or customers having the features being outside Sweden. In mobile view there will only be the list. The things being above the list will be gone. Why? Unnecessary now when the new crate document feature will be better.

🔧 A5 Switch board is now in right size and not to big. Important, to print in right size the print option should be actual size and not fit to page.

🔧 Big improvement of the cable sync between device and server. It is now better and more reliable.

🔧 Date will now also be on attached pdf files for shared self-audit schemes.

🔧 History panel will now show backups again

🔧 If big letters in email as EL-VIS account there will be problems accepting or declining copies of calculations and/or documents.

🔧 Long links without break caused weird prints for the self-audit scheme.

🔧 Some warnings and errors for area when using max voltage drop calculation was not shown.

🔧 Wrong price on articles with prices above 1000 SEK.