EL-VIS Releasenotes

Release 2024-06-24

🔧 Companies with standard license has now by default the setting “Allow users to take ownership over calculations” on instead of off. 

🔧 Fixed problem that redirected users to price list when going back from price search page.

🔧 In price module the topbar was overlapping information in detail panel on iOS devices.

🔧 In result view on a cable with feeding point as parent had two end points wrongly in the graphic .

🔧 New restrictions regarding setting custom logotype and company name on documents and cable calculations.

🔧 Now the company information is by default pre-filled again as it should, when creating a new cable calculation.

🔧 Some fixes with Finnish typo in e-mails sent when changing owner for a cable calculation and on empty filter pages in template module

🔧 Topbar menu had some extra left margin on actions without icon.

🔧 Voltage drop was not recalculated in some cases when max voltage drop was defined.

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